• My trusty 2014 MBP is still an amazing machine, but the temptation was too great. πŸ‘€

    βœ… M1 Pro
    βœ… XDR display with Promotion
    βœ… Touch ID
    βœ… macOS Monterey
    βœ… skipping all the models with no ports and keyboard issues

    Here’s to the next seven years. 🍻

  • We should expect our children to leave indelible marks on our lives, but today our youngest took that literally.

    Black hare tattoo (on forearem)
  • Instagram, $1 bn
    Oculus VR, $2 bn
    WhatsApp, $19 bn

    DNS SysAdmin? Priceless.

  • Vaccinated.

    Virus: SARS-CoV-2
    Vaccine: Pfizer-BioNTech
    Dose number: booster
    Superpowers: /dev/null

  • Moving Day. It’s all about the state of mind. 🧘

    Tranquil pond with small waterfall.
  • Not sure why, but it catches me every year. Repeat after me:

    WWDC keynotes are not really for developers.
    WWDC keynotes are not really for developers.
    WWDC keynotes are not really for developers.
    WWDC keynotes are not really for developers.
    WWDC keynotes are not really for…

  • Amen:

    “Children shouldn’t be subjected to Teams.”

    β€” @siracusa, ~53 mins into ATP, episode 428

  • Somehow @siracusa’s games simultaneously captivate and dumbfound me.

  • Vaccinated.

    Virus: SARS-CoV-2
    Vaccine: Oxford / AstraZeneca
    Dose number: 2
    Superpowers: still nothing

  • I am trying to burn command line Git into my brain, rather than using a graphical tool. The options are fine, but I need to actually get the command correct…

    zsh: command not found: got

  • Preparing to Ignore Files with Git and Xcode

    Source code version control is a core competency of the modern developer. But sometimes the system and the environment can get in the way.

    When using Xcode (or other tools) with services such as GitHub the default situation is to associate a folder with a new repository, including all files and subfolders contained within. This might also include some files or folders you might not want to include.

    For example, macOS uses hidden files named .DS_Store (Apple’s Desktop Services Store) to manage information about the state of local folders, and Xcode places files in xcuserdata/ folders which trbck the state its own UI.

    Both of these are useful for the local user, but are unlikely to be so for others who might be working on your project code.

    Before Your First Project

    If you want to prevent all of your local projects including selected files or folders in their repositories, then you can update Git’s global settings.

    Step One: create a .gitignore file

    Create a file named .gitignore_global in your local user root directory. For example, by using the following command in the Terminal:

    touch ~/.gitignore_global

    Note the _global suffix to highlight to future you that this affects all repositories.

    Step Two: add the required rules to the .gitignore file

    Using your preferred text editor, add the name of each file or folder that you want to be excluded from all of your Git repositories. For the examples above, the file would contain (with #-prefixed comments included):

    # macOS
    # Xcode

    There are other options, such as using wildcards, which can be explored as extended reading.

    Step Three: Configure Git to use the .gitignore file

    Use the Terminal to tell Git to use this list of files folders to be ignored when creating all new local repositories:

    git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

    Ignoring by Project

    You might want to ignore files on a project by project basis.

    The process is the same, but in each project root folder you should include a .gitignore file, formatted as above.

    Fixing Files that Slip Through the Net

    If you had already linked your Xcode project via Git, and after setting up your global, or per-project, ignore files, perhaps now have the odd erroneous file such as .DS_Store in one of your repositories, you can remove the individual files from your repository:

    git rm --cached .DS_Store

    This will need done for each rogue file in your local repository, with files being removed from your remote repository on the next git push.

  • Our Professional Learning Community breakfast club continued today with a discussion abut metacognition:

    All good teachers implicitly understand and support the metacognitive development of their students, but too rarely have/take the time to explicitly explore the topic.

  • It’s a small solar system (but I wouldn’t want to paint it)! Congratulations NASA! πŸš€ πŸ––

  • Vaccinated.

    Virus: SARS-CoV-2
    Vaccine: Oxford / AstraZeneca
    Dose number: 1
    Superpowers: none yet detected

  • Day 100 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: without distinction

    Thanks to @twostraws for an exceptionally high quality SwiftUI course. It’s taken me 499 days to get this done, but worth every devoted hour.

    100 Days of SwiftUI Certificate of Merit
  • Day 99 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always seeking snow

    Final challenge day, and not lazy for a change. All challenges complete. With care and attention.

    β€œTomorrow we’ll discover
    What our god in heaven has in store!
    One more dawn, one more day, one day more!"

  • Splash of the Titans:

    Mathieu van der Poel on his way to besting Wout van Aert in the battle for the cyclocross rainbow bands in Ostend. Not often bike races take place in the North Sea.

    Dutch and Belgian cyclists racing through the waves

  • Cumbria County Council get free pass from UK government to allow a new coal mine:

    β€œ[Projected emissions are] greater than the level of annual emissions we have projected from all open UK coalmines to 2050.”

    β€” Lord Deben, reported by The Guardian

  • 🎡 ‘Caterpillar’, Hamish Hawk

    New single from the sensational Hamish Hawk (Twitter: @HHawkOfficial).

    Bit of an early 80s indie vibe going on with this one, with Byrne-esque visuals.

  • The first meeting of our virtual Professional Learning Community breakfast club is tomorrow morning. The topic? Retrieval Practice. Want a primer?

    PDF: Retrieval Practice Guide