Inertia bias:
“I become so fixated with executing the plan, that I don’t have a moment to realise that it’s now a stupid plan.”
An excellent podcast episode by Tim Harford on complexity and system design:
Galileo tried to teach us that adding more and more layers to a system intended to avert disaster often makes catastrophe all the more likely.
Having used simulations at uni, when I first worked with a specialised hardware neural net in ‘94 it felt like unleashing a superpower - and yet now our phones have capabilities almost unimaginable to 25 years ago me.
Can haz moar meetz?:
“Many managers don’t know what to do,” [Professor Patrik Hall] says, and when they are “unsure of their role”, they respond by generating more meetings.
Pointless work meetings ‘really a form of therapy’ - BBC News
Sophie, aged six, explaining the solar system this evening:
“The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There used to be Pluto, but that was destroyed!”
UK Public Service Announcement:
Be counted. Register online to vote: in person, by post, or by proxy. Students can register at both their university and home address.
Register by 11:59pm on 26 November to vote in the General Election on 12 December.
The inverted-T laptop for the rest of us:
It feels a bit silly to be excited about a classic arrow key layout
Daring Fireball: 16-Inch MacBook Pro First Impressions: Great Keyboard, Outstanding Speakers
We could all benefit from a universal code of conduct for hugging at work. Of course, if I wrote that code, it would just say “don’t hug colleagues, end of story.”
Yet another exciting opportunity for Dundee, a city of aspirations and dreams. Although I think a regenerative project would be better than using Camperdown.
EXCLUSIVE: Eden Project in talks to create new Dundee attraction - The Courier
Day 15 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: lunchtime doubly so
Swift introduction and review complete, and still really enjoying the language. Nothing new for me in this, but I figure if I don’t build the habits I wont complete the 100 days. Looking forward to playing with SwiftUI ’tomorrow'.
Day 14 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: (not) recording progress
My next step should really be to set up a GitHub repository in advance of the coding projects - practice what I preach. It’s always positive to record and reflect on your progress through a course.