Day 16 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: so much for building habits
A trip to Ireland was enough to break the flow. Eleven weeks and five seasons of Breaking Bad later and it’s time to get introduced to SwiftUI. Today the basics, including program and binding state.
Inertia bias:
“I become so fixated with executing the plan, that I don’t have a moment to realise that it’s now a stupid plan.”
An excellent podcast episode by Tim Harford on complexity and system design:
Galileo tried to teach us that adding more and more layers to a system intended to avert disaster often makes catastrophe all the more likely.
Having used simulations at uni, when I first worked with a specialised hardware neural net in ‘94 it felt like unleashing a superpower - and yet now our phones have capabilities almost unimaginable to 25 years ago me.
Can haz moar meetz?:
“Many managers don’t know what to do,” [Professor Patrik Hall] says, and when they are “unsure of their role”, they respond by generating more meetings.
Pointless work meetings ‘really a form of therapy’ - BBC News
Sophie, aged six, explaining the solar system this evening:
“The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There used to be Pluto, but that was destroyed!”
UK Public Service Announcement:
Be counted. Register online to vote: in person, by post, or by proxy. Students can register at both their university and home address.
Register by 11:59pm on 26 November to vote in the General Election on 12 December.
The inverted-T laptop for the rest of us:
It feels a bit silly to be excited about a classic arrow key layout
Daring Fireball: 16-Inch MacBook Pro First Impressions: Great Keyboard, Outstanding Speakers
We could all benefit from a universal code of conduct for hugging at work. Of course, if I wrote that code, it would just say “don’t hug colleagues, end of story.”
Yet another exciting opportunity for Dundee, a city of aspirations and dreams. Although I think a regenerative project would be better than using Camperdown.
EXCLUSIVE: Eden Project in talks to create new Dundee attraction - The Courier
Day 15 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: lunchtime doubly so
Swift introduction and review complete, and still really enjoying the language. Nothing new for me in this, but I figure if I don’t build the habits I wont complete the 100 days. Looking forward to playing with SwiftUI ’tomorrow'.