Lacking Vision
Had a nap this evening when I got home from work. How old am I?
Anyway. Today I lacked vision. And I am not often enough taking pictures in daylight. This blipping obsession is hard to bare when you realise you have an hour left of the day, and you have not taken a single picture.
Le Taxi
Drizzle me some more, weather system. It’s not as if a sunset would be nice for blipping purposes or anything!
Oh well, great opportunity to remind myself that transporting one’s children is a vital and highly skilled job and I am lucky to have it.
And in the other world…
Was ill-prepared for meeting today. Now have professional guilt. I will try to make up for it tomorrow with some facilitating, a little cascading, and maybe pinch of empowering. Not a bad plan for a Wednesday.
Close Encounters
Four hours sleep last night. Not looking great for tonight. And here I am, inflicting another ‘self portrait’ on the world of Blip.
Well. Kinda.
52nd blip. I should have been clever and taken a deck of cards or something…
Water Tower
Dog walking tonight.
Walked by the local water tower. A great example of Victorian engineering, it was built by the local unemployed at the end of the 19th century. A practice that would likely not go down so well today.
It’s a lovely building, even if it may be seen now as part folly. I wish more buildings were as grandly conceived.
Apples & Oranges
Moonlighting today!
Enjoyable enough, but sure shortens the weekend…
And now having a relaxing beer and listening to some Pink Floyd, thus the song title inspired blip.
Greyhound Philosophy
The greyhound.
Lazy. Our hounds have a passion for general lounging. The comfier the spot the better, preferably on top of you.
Fast. 45 miles an hour in 6 steps. Apparently. All I can say is by the time you react to their pace to shout them back, they are already almost out of earshot.
Canny. Beautiful. And cuddly too! They encapsulate a philosophy to life, and everyone should live it!
See previous blips for actual pictures of our hounds. And the black sheep of our dog family will be making an appearance one day soon.
Fog is fun.
Greasy roads, however, are not fun on a commute. Dry good. Wet good. Greasy is too unpredictable.
Moonlighting tonight.
Simple Extraction
Well, what a day!
And then a trip to the dentist to have a long troubling tooth extracted. And now? The numbing effects are wearing off and it feels like I have been punched in the face…
Rock Challenge
Arbroath Academy took part in their third Rock Challenge tonight, and were very successful! They now move on to the northern finals in June!
Big MC Hammer pants, and a representation of cancerous cells in the human body! Good job to all the crew, including our very own, ever so slightly happy dancing daughter!
Commiserations to Websters (loved your concept) and Brechin (great soundtrack)! Better luck next year…
Anyhow, tonight’s blip was my very own rock challenge…
Apparently strawberry pencils are an integral part of a perfect day! Who’d have known?
But perfect day had, and now playing with confectionary. Sweet!
(if you please pardon the pun)
I read a story today, of Budai.
He was a Zen monk who travelled handing out fruit and treats to poor children, rather than become a traditional Zen master.
When asked once by a fellow devotee “What is the meaning of Zen?” he stopped and lay down his sack. When pressed “How does once realise Zen?” he picked up his sack and carried on his way.
Often called the Laughing Buddha, he symbolises health and happiness, epitomises tolerance and generosity, and today represents contentment!
At a Cellular Level
Today was truly a non-productive day!
Tomorrow might be better…
Dog walking on days off, always a pleasure. And wildlife fun… a few deer on the walk and a buzzard in our garden! It’s great living in the… town!
My phone was not up to capturing the wildlife, but we found a large felled tree that was closer and slower moving!
School Days
Work was productive today! And there was more blue sky!
Work meet blue sky. Blue sky meet work.
Oh and now I get four days off… Woo hoo!
Okay, so I can sometimes play Ode to Joy with most fingers of one hand if I re-practice and the audience only expects the choice 12 bars that are in the “Learn to Play Piano” book!
But I love having old Elliott.
And of course, whenever I say the name (even in my head) I have to add “Ouwwwwwwch!”
The day started with a glorious sunrise (which I tried my best to capture) but it was still chilly….
But after a day working in the cooler, I am now home and cosy. Damn the new energy efficiency settings on our work computers - they used to keep me warm!
Scottish Weather
This morning was wet. And when I say wet I do mean aquaplaning wet and not damp wet.
Then before lunch it snowed. Big snow. But it was clear before I lunched with my eldest.
And homeward bound I was under lovely blue skies and a glowing sunset.
Just another day in the Scottish weather system. Wouldn’t have it any other way! No, really!
Purple Haze
Two disturbing moments today.
The first is the realisation that I owe Her Majesty’s tax collectors some pennies. That always hurts.
Secondly, £62 for a tank of petrol. Ouch!
Crazy Cubic Zirconia
Another self portrait. But this time with a Syd Barrett bent. As you can see I am always smiling (on the inside at least). When I discover the rest of me I will attempt to capture what I find.
Today’s rugby was much more entertaining, and the Scotland v France game was the best of the weekend. Scotland played well - just not well enough. Looking forward to the next matches!
Lime-tinted Glasses
The Six Nations began today.
Not the best of games I have ever seen, but was enjoyable anyhow. Always nice on cold, wet, windy days to know the family are cosy and warm indoors! Hope she who has flown the coop is similarly toasty - but expect she is too busy having fun to care!