High Tide
Chocolate Sunday. Only eggs today were fried, on morning rolls. Just how I like them. That seems far more sensible. Okay so there was non-egg chocolate, but not on the rolls! Perplexed by this Easter thing.
Serviced the lawn mower. Hoping it no longer leaks.
Back strolling the dogs along the edge of the North Sea again; there is something comforting about the constant rumble and crash of waves on the sandy shore.
This blip lacks coherence. Apologies for that. Tomorrow I will try harder. No promises mind.
Doctor Who?
Coffee and a toastie. Failing to solve an unsolvable problem. Dr Who. Dog Walking. Tempranillo. Playing some vintage StarCraft (Brood Wars).
My day.
Late posting this one. Little mini holiday weekend. Time to relax with a glass of vino, and an empty head!
Visited Tayside Police HQ today, in a purely legitimate, non-criminal capacity I must add! Sign on the door, sitting ajar, to their command control room read " This door must be kept secure!" Secure, but not locked. Apparently.
Self Portrait III
Today I had my hair cut.
Last time I was scalped I told my attacker about Blipfoto, and today I found out she is now a happy blipper! Way to go! :-)
Dundee Engulfed
The East coast was blanketed in haar today. It made for some dramatic views of the Tay from the hillier parts of Dundee. This is the best I could capture with the iPhone. The project continues.
Sound Waves
Grumble @ Toyota Yaris apparently having intermittent starting problem. Might be clutch peddle not fully depressed it seems. Need a heavier foot tomorrow.
Hope I can be free of this soon. How long to panel beat a door, replace a wing and respray 10% of a car?
Anyway. Random blip day! Hurrah!
A Lovely Reception
My car is getting fixed today. And while that happens I am trapped in a Toyota Yaris.
It’s diesel, so commuting will be cheaper for a few days but it sounds like an almost but not quite blocked drain.
It handles like a rowing boat around corners, which satisfies my nautical desires for a few years, but does nothing for the nerves.
The seats are medieval in their torturous discomfort, although raising and lowering the driver’s seat by some crazy pump action is mildly entertaining - at least in comparison to the driving experience.
It failed to start when trying to get home tonight, which is hardly reassuring for a brand new car. And then, by some miracle, it began after all. An hour and three emergency breakdown phone calls later. Frustrated? Pfft!
It has a nice thermostatic air conditioning system. Very clever. Perhaps a more expensive option than the suspension.
The radio/music/satnav system has an entirely terrible UI. It’s awful in a cunningly unique manner that makes describing it’s (lack of) usability both difficult and painful.
The aerial did seem to function as required!
Through the Square Window
It’s that time again, boys and girls!
Tomorrow it’s back to work time. Must remember to munch some antihistamines in the morning.
I wonder if Hamble suffered annually at the hands of the tree pollen Gods?
Idle Hand
Normality returns.
Holiday mode over. Weekend mode engaged.
Good job I like weekends.
Today I typed 3500 words. What’s the likelihood many people handwrite that much anymore in any normal situation? And yet that is still the primary method of school assessment used in this country! What gives?
None Shall Pass!
Walking towards the beach tonight, we were met by this canine guardian. No humans, no gates, no tolls. Just pooch!
Last day off work today, spent once more enjoying seaside dog walking, then pretending to fix cars and prepare gourmet food!
Tonight, a quiet Chianti perhaps?
Eye of suspicion
It’s a funny old world. One in which things get done more rapidly and efficiently after complaining. And where people think nothing of saying and doing different things!
My car gets fixed on Monday (or at least the process starts then). And I am getting a temporary Vauxhall Astra as reward for some inept driver broadsiding me. It’s an automatic apparently. That’ll be fun!
And our house buyer? Where have you gone!? Seems he might have been a colossal time waster. Let’s begin that process again, shall we?
Essential Reading
Thank heavens for families. They keep me sane (or at least some family-norm referenced approximation of sanity).
My insurance company are organisationally dishevelled. I hope my car gets fixed on Monday.
Our house buyer is reticent about actually committing to an offer, hoping instead to complete telepathically. Just as well we like living where we do!
I worked a little today. Scheduled a meeting today, while on holiday. How dedicated am I? And another tomorrow. Go me!
I have a dodgy tummy today, but what the heck… Chinese food overload this evening. Strangely, this has not cured my digestive grumblings.
And should tomorrow throw up actual problems, I know my bookshelves are packed with helpful, constructive advice on solving them.
So long as we suffer prolonged flooding or invasion by a robotic master race! Sorted!
Cherry Blossom
In the cherry blossom’s shade there’s no such thing as a stranger.
- Kobayashi Issa
Who can argue with a haiku master?
Today we stepped out and enjoyed Camperdown Zoo (although I cannot recommend the cafe experience) and of all the images that captures such a lovely day… a little white cherry blossom…
On the anniversary of Gagarin’s extra planetary excursion, I could have made more of a space travel effort, but there were no Sigue Sigue Sputnik tribute bands in town tonight!
(And sorry, but I couldn’t come up with a Vostok gag at such short notice.)
Footsteps in the Sand
The beach keeps beckoning us back. And why not? The dogs love it! Gotta love this holiday thing - freedom in time and action, sweet!
I have no complaints about Scottish weather. Not today anyway? :-)
More tomorrow please!
Après Dog Walking
Today we walked a few miles along the beach. The dogs, a majority of our girls, and me.
And on our travels we found two dead crabs, a big pond, some sinking sand, and a mermaid called Thomas. And a tennis ball which was more interesting to the girls than the dogs.
Then we wandered home, ate junk food, and lazed about for the rest of the afternoon. As you can see in the blip, it was all too much for some.
The One Ring
When the fates decide that you shouldn’t have the house you decide to buy, isn’t it just peachy when they provide you with an alternative. And doubly peachy when she who is all powerful decides she likes the new house more!
Just need to finalise actually selling our house now!
Oh, and the blip? It’s pretty much unrelated. But we did take the hounds to Auchmithie beach today, where it was captured!
Midnight Garden
One week of my holiday has drifted off into past times. Batteries are mostly recharged. Which is good, as I already have one meeting fixed for next week, and another tentative. That and a project proposal to write. Fun!
But for now, the peace of LCD interrupted darkness, a selection of pseudo random music, and the knowledge that life is good even when it tries to trip you up.
Go to sleep and smell the daffodils!
A Wee Dram
What a funny old day.
Funeral in the morning, marking the passing of dear Doris. She made tablet of exceptional quality. Better than my mother’s, even though I am not supposed to say that. And she shared one of life’s great insights with me - only thing I can Blip about that is “mashed potato”. Rest easy, Doris, you are one of a kind.
Out of focus afternoon. That kind of day I guess.
An evening of relaxed company with a pair of old friends. One, a fellow blipper, t’other a rather fine bottle of Talisker.
Independence Day
On this day in 1320 a historic document was drawn up. The Declaration of Arbroath was a statement of Scotland’s Independence.
Today’s blip is a tip of the hat to that document, it’s historic significance, and it’s modern day lack thereof.
I love Arbroath Abbey, despite have passed it thousands of times, it remains iconic in my mind.
Holiday Mode
When at home with their family, Greyhounds don’t typically do hypertension.
A little bit of sunshine, and the hounds are keen to join me in my holiday spirit!
Visited the bodyshop today. Now just need insurance company to agree, parts to be ordered, repair to be done… wait… when will this be done? A well, time to relax some more!