blip The RSS feed for blip.

  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

    014 2011

    Yikes! A book!

    Just finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer. A quaintly unassuming book, which is unlikely to light fires in bellies, but will no doubt bless a good number of hearts with a warm fuzzy feeling.

    I imagine it would make an excellent ITV drama of the sort I thoroughly dislike!

  • Back to School

    013 2011

    Back to work today!

    Glad to be, but not quite prepared. Better luck tomorrow…

  • Things are looking up!

    012 2011

    The family are finally over this flu thing, and I am glad to be heading back to work tomorrow. And it also means I will have fewer excuses not to blip.

    Ho hum. Missed two already!

    But today, things are looking up! Even my better half thought so… So many photographic challenges, and portrait taking is just one of them…

  • Caught on Camera

    011 2011

    After my primary blipping device was featured, in a previous blip, I thought it made sense to do the same treatment for my Nikon. It’s a d5000. It and me, we are still getting to know each other…

    But blipping remains an iPhone pastime… for now…

  • Badly Drawn Dog

    010 2011

    The first in a series of poorly crafted dog portraits…

    This is our eldest greyhound. She is a little self-conscious, a touch paranoid, and has a love of cheese and onion crisps.

    Retrospective blip number two, as I never managed it into work today - and I am sure you are now wondering if I make it in tomorrow.

    The tension builds. And I already know the answer.

  • Winter Escape

    009 2011

    Today ended five days of incarceration. It’s a little chilly! But a short dog walk has got to help body and soul.

    The subject is The Elms, a favourite spot, and a woefully neglected building.

  • Flashback

    008 2011

    The flu has now spread to family and friends, and the house has mysteriously transported itself back to the 70s…

  • Sweet Smell of...

    007 2011

    …perfume. Not that I cared at the time.

    A retrospective Blip. My excuse is that flu prevented me from uploading on the actual day! All better now.

  • Self Portrait

    006 2011

    Confined to bed for third day! Limits the ability to follow up on my plan to blip every day…

    So I thought I would introduce the world to the eye that captures these blips.

    It’s an iPhone 4.

    More on the why and how later, when I am able to focus…

  • H1N1 Victim

    005 2011

    Day 5 of the year and I have been added to the swine flu statistics for the winter!

    This is not amusing!

  • Happy Birthday Isaac

    004 2011

    He was born 357 years ago today!

    He thought he invented Calculus, and we all thought he had fathered modern physics. He was no slouch at a little bit of gravitation, and he was a mean maker of reflecting telescopes.

    And more than that, he invented Apples, right?

    Happy Birthday, Sir Isaac.

  • Data Ninja

    003 2011

    Today the first thoughts of getting back to work trickled into my mind. Then the realisation dawned… I had decided I would not need a back up of those “unimportant” files I brought home from work… And now the backup fairies have their revenge…

    Spent too long today getting back to where I should have started. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

    Wish I’d used the data ninja…

  • Hannah May

    002 2011

    By virtue of her being my Great Niece, I guess that makes me a great uncle.

  • Dawn of 2011

    001 2011

    Hogmanay celebrations have banished most of the population from the sunlight. Few souls brave the new year morning. Some run or jump into the biting cold water, cleansing themselves before the new year’s resolutions are broken. I just took a picture.