100DaysOfSwiftUI The RSS feed for 100DaysOfSwiftUI.

  • Day 60 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: bread and butter

    Enough developers must need to circumvent the navigation stack hierarchy that SwiftUI would benefit from a baked in a dismissToRootView() (or similar) method.

  • Day 59 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always sorting

    Long weeks beget short comments.

  • Day 58 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: new relationships

    So, the big take away from the last couple of days is that the next SwiftUI update would really benefit from better CoreData integration - I have a soft spot for Objective C, but I don’t need the hipster nostalgia.

  • Day 57 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: wax on, wax off

    Not all of the 100 days can be building cool little apps, sometimes the learner must work through the basics.

    Bonus excitement of the day? Publishing this directly from IA Writer - but I would prefer the title field to be optional.

  • Day 56 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always reading

    As an aside, related to the topic of the now completed Bookworm project, if you would like a book recommendation, why not try the KESTREL series by Edinburgh-based author, Matt Gemmell.

    Enjoy. 📚

  • Day 55 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: self-flagellation

    Completed a book tracking app today. Entered some test data of books I have read to check that everything works as intended. Judging my own taste as each book springs to mind Just me?

  • Day 54 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: underrated emoji ratings

    SwiftUI as a design abstraction can occasionally feel unnatural. I hope rough edges are smoothed out rather than relying on developer experience to cope.

    But the power of view composition/decomposition is considerable. 💯

  • Day 53 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: supersize me

    The Xcode SwiftUI canvas incorrectly reports the size class of phones as .regular (rather than .compact). The simulator behaves as expected. Perhaps Xcode is returning my MBP’s size class? Perhaps not. The suspense.

  • Day 52 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always dealing

    Another project complete, including challenges. Not much more to say.

  • Day 51 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: aka groom lake

    Today I learned about REQ | RES. A great tool which simulates a web API endpoint for testing your client code. Very neat. Very simple.

  • Day 50 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: wooah, we’re half way there

    Turns out that if I take no more rest days then will I finish smack bang in the middle of WWDC. Just in time for a whole bunch of SwiftUI features (and bug fixes)! Woah-oh, living on a prayer.

  • Day 49 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: the cake is a lie

    Easing my way back into this with the promise of tasty baked products, Codable, and URLSession seems fair enough.

  • Day 48 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: may the fourth be with you

    Sweet happenstance. Fit and well enough to get back to this SwiftUI game, and what is the next on the programme? Thanks again to @twostraws for making my day.

    What Star Wars Can Teach Us About Swift

  • Day 47 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always procrastinating

    Swift 5.2 bug, didSet is not called in all situations - burned me for an hour.

    SwiftUI glitches result in occasional unresponsive taps - or my code does.

    Used tap gestures, not NavigationLink - for interest.

    Habits on Track screenshot
  • Day 46 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always reanimating

    My Arrow view animated before I made it animatable. /shrug

  • Day 45 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: Spirograph

    Never had one of these as a kid, and now I have a simulation of one running in a simulation of a phone I have never owned. It’s turtles all the way down.

  • Day 44 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: flower power

    From Core Graphics to Metal and back again. A psychedelic story. The journey continues on, this time with rainbows. But no unicorns.

  • Day 43 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: unnecessarily difficult

    SwithUI Paths and Shapes use different coordinate systems? Is that to emphasise their difference? Or some reason as yet unknown to me? Explanations on a postcard please.

    Stuff like this is why students find programming hard!

  • Day 42 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: always seeking the ultimate answer

    Today I learned that sometimes I can complete the challenges the ’easy’ way, and I am okay with that. No elegant, efficient solutions for me today. I blame the slow recovery from the lurgy.

  • Day 41 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI: if a bug isn’t there, can you fix it?

    I didn’t need to mess with LayoutPriority today, which is fine. Don’t know if I was lucky, or the bug was fixed in the latest SwiftUI release.